hari ni hari ke-4 im living without him. memandangkan zul masih lagi dalam minggu military training so in his syllbus need to masuk ke hutan selama 6 hari. okay, kalau orang lain dengar mesti cakap 'ala relaks la,baru seminggu je.bukan lame pun'. yup,seriously bukan lama pun. but when u're sitting in my place, u will feel how it worst to face it. lagipun, nurul akan rasa janggal tak dapat any text or call from him dalam sehari. i mean we're not berkepit 24 hour thru phone. but, he will inform me any activities that he' going to do. so, bila i got this problem. i cuba share bagitau TASHA dia juga memerangkap my bestie disebabkan dia berpengalaman, penyabar dan gagah orangnya untuk menghadapi masalah sebegini. hal ini kerana her bf, amri kerap masuk hutan around 3 months in a year. so, i thought i will get a good advices or response from her. but....... tasha try give advice yang amat meranapkan aku!
'alaaaa huda, setakat 6 hari tu celah gigi aku je'.
and i was like what the jungla! wtj. kurengasem punye bestie.
so, we have a comparism about condition sebab amri dah komisen in KTD, tapi zul still lagi UPNM. i mean, amri dah berkhidmat. but zul still learning about military. plus, tasha more understanding about amri life about. i just need to wait around more 3 years. okay, pasal dia lapor unit tu. i tak berminat nak sentuh. sebab bila i dengar cerita from my senior doves doves military. i rasa takut sangat nak hadapi benda tu tapi untuk sampai ke tahap tu lambat lagi perlu difikirkan. back to this story ........
even we're not contact each other. but am still tell him about all my activities for whole day. yes, i know he will read all my messages for him. even nurul pergi kerja, balik kerja, menu makanan waktu rehat sekalipun.
but i like this way because when he not around beside i was feel like rindunyeeeee kat dia! so, i just pray he will be good over there. be safe, do not careless as i told him before he' going.
last but not least, pulaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaang cepatnye. i love you!
July 20, 2011
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ala...hudaa.... kejap jer zul p.. miro tu p lagi laaa lame... raye nnt baru ley dgr suara die balik..kih :D